Dear Friend,
I would like to wish you a happy autumn and update you on Audubon New York’s projects and events. With fall migration underway, I hope you will seize this opportunity to get out into nature and appreciate the beauty of birds. There are also many opportunities to get involved with Audubon New York in the coming months, including programming at our Centers, and the many opportunities found throughout this newsletter.
Please consider joining us on Wednesday, November 2nd at our annual Audubon New York Keesee Award Luncheon at the Metropolitan Club in New York City where we are honoring two conservation heroes. The Thomas W. Keesee, Jr. Conservation Award will be presented to Christopher (Kim) Elliman, President and CEO of the Open Space Institute, and Dr. Edward O. Wilson, University Research Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, will be accepting the Audubon New York Environmental Writing Award. This event is sure to sell-out so please click this link to reserve your seat today.
Below you will find more updates and ways to get involved with the work we do for birds and their habitats. Thank you for your ongoing support of our mission and work throughout New York.
 Erin M. Crotty Executive Director
P.S. - This year, on Tuesday, November 29 Audubon New York is participating in #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving. We invite you to join the movement with us.Mark your calendars today! |