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Audubon New York
September 2016 | News from the Nest
Wood Thrush on tree branch
Wood Thrush.
Dear Friend,

I would like to wish you a happy autumn and update you on Audubon New York’s projects and events. With fall migration underway, I hope you will seize this opportunity to get out into nature and appreciate the beauty of birds. There are also many opportunities to get involved with Audubon New York in the coming months, including programming at our Centers, and the many opportunities found throughout this newsletter.

Please consider joining us on Wednesday, November 2nd at our annual Audubon New York Keesee Award Luncheon at the Metropolitan Club in New York City where we are honoring two conservation heroes. The Thomas W. Keesee, Jr. Conservation Award will be presented to Christopher (Kim) Elliman, President and CEO of the Open Space Institute, and Dr. Edward O. Wilson, University Research Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, will be accepting the Audubon New York Environmental Writing Award. This event is sure to sell-out so please click this link to reserve your seat today.

Below you will find more updates and ways to get involved with the work we do for birds and their habitats. Thank you for your ongoing support of our mission and work throughout New York.

Erin M. Crotty
Executive Director

P.S. - This year, on Tuesday, November 29 Audubon New York is participating in #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving. We invite you to join the movement with us.Mark your calendars today!
Honorees stand with Audubon NY Executive Director Erin Crotty.
Honorees, Dr. E.O. Wilson and Kim Elliman, with Erin Crotty, Audubon New York Executive Director
Managing Our Lands for Birds and People
On November 2, 2016 over 250 people attended the 2016 Keesee Luncheon at the Metropolitan Club in New York City to celebrate the two honorees: Christopher (Kim) Elliman, President and CEO of the Open Space Institute (OSI), recipient of the Thomas W. Keesee, Jr. Conservation Award, and Dr. E.O. Wilson, University Research Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, recipient of the Audubon New York Award for Environmental Writing. This year’s program focused on healthy forests, one of Audubon New York’s priority conservation pillars. Through our healthy forests initiative and with the help partners such as OSI, as well as land owners and land managers, Audubon New York is working to protect and restore forests throughout the state. Through the Keesee Luncheon we raised over $300,000 in support of Audubon New York’s statewide work protecting birds and their habitats. Click here to view photos from the luncheon; and here for Kim Elliman’s honoree video. 
Piping Plover chick foraging on beach
Piping Plover chick
Sharing Our Seas and Shores
On October 17th, Audubon New York submitted formal comments and asked for your help in urging the United States Army Corp of Engineers to revisit their recently released Draft Reevaluation Report and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point, NY, Coastal Storm Risk Management Project (FIMP). This project to identify, evaluate, and recommend long-term solutions for hurricane and storm damage along 83-miles of ocean and bay shorelines would have significant impact on Long Island’s south shore and the important habitat for threatened and endangered species it supports, such as the Piping Plover. We are grateful to the 1,039 people who took action and spoke out in support of Audubon New York on this important issue.
Volunteers planting
Saving Important Bird Areas
On September 28th, 67 volunteers from the Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps gathered near the mouth of Nine Mile Creek to plant 1,400 native plants and participate in citizen science monitoring by tracking birds.  These restoration projects are creating or improving wildlife habitat in the Onondaga Lake watershed. The Onondaga Lake Important Bird Area is a vital waterfowl wintering area that provides habitat, food, and water sources that many bird species depend upon for survival during the cold winter months.
Beach shoreline
Shaping a Healthy Climate and Clean Energy Future
In Mid-September, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the release of the New York State Offshore Wind Blueprint, a framework for the responsible development of robust wind energy off the coast of New York. New York State is home to some of the world’s strongest offshore wind resources, which will help New York obtain its Clean Energy mandate, to supply 50 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable energy resources by 2030. To help mitigate the potentially harmful impacts of these offshore wind developments on migratory shorebird species, Audubon New York will work with NYSERDA and DEC to ensure the final Offshore Wind Master Plan incorporates studies, procedures, and siting guidelines which account for wildlife health.
Titmouse at bird feeder
Tufted Titmouse
Creating Bird-friendly Communities
This time of year in New York, it is important to make the most of what you have in order to create a more bird-friendly yard. The ability to find safe passage, healthy breeding, wintering, and resting habitat is an integral part of a successful migration season. Use bird-friendly fall cleanup practices – build a brush pile, fill your feeders, scout for migrating birds and report your findings to eBird.
Staff and Chapter members group photo.
Chapter Highlight
Staff and Chapter members gathered for the most recent Audubon Chapter Council of New York State Fall Meeting on October 28th – 30th at the Holiday Inn in Plainview, NY. Over 55 people, including leaders representing 20 of New York’s 27 Chapters were in attendance, enjoying presentations, workshops, and field trips including the Sagamore Hill National Historic site, Sunken Meadow State Park, and Jones Beach State Park. It was a productive and invigorating weekend for all Audubon conservationists in attendance. 
Photo credits: Jeff Nadler; Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren, Flickr cc; Seren Bagcilar; Chris Lajewski; Greg Craybas; Kelly Colgan Azar, Flickr cc; Jean, Flickr cc
Connecting birds, people, and communities. 
We can't do it alone. Support our conservation, advocacy, and education efforts.
Audubon New York
9 Thurlow Terrace, Suite 100, Albany, NY 12203
518-869-9731 ny.audubon.org

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.
