In the far reaches of our state office’s small kitchen corner sits a box clearly marked, “COMPOST” in black-inked letters. Daily, Audubon New Mexico staffers fill the box up with any compostable food stuff: eggshells, coffee grounds, leftover salad remnants, and orange peels; sometimes someone will even spot a sparse half-eaten tortilla. Like a wizard, Scot fills up a bag and transports these ingredients to his home, 7 miles away, pedaling on his bicycle, to make a magical potion. Scot is a bicycle commuter, but that’s a story for another day. We often wonder what happens to all those pungent smelling items. Does Scot brew up a concoction to deliver a vitamin filled shot of garbage goodness to his garden? How does he work it into the soil? How long does he let it ferment? |