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Audubon New Mexico
Quarterly Newsletter | July 2018
Message from Jon Hayes, Audubon New Mexico's Executive Director
I recently had the privilege of joining 75 other demonstrators rallying in opposition to the diversion project being proposed on the Southwest’s last free-flowing river, the Gila River in Southwest New Mexico. The occasion was a Bureau of Reclamation hearing in Albuquerque where they were gathering public comments on this ecologically devastating project. We were there to be a voice for the Gila River and its birds. I have previously written about this project so I won’t spend time going into more detail, other than to say, if you want to learn about the proposed action and what you can do to make sure the birds and wildlife of the Gila River ecosystems are protected, please click here.  Rather, I want to share with you some of my thoughts after attending the rally, and the implications for our essential conservation work here in New Mexico.Read more
Rendering of the new David Jay Henderson Pavilion
Celebrating 35 years as an Audubon Center and Santa Fe’s only Nature Center while Spreading More Roots for a Nature-filled Future
The Randall Davey Audubon Center & Sanctuary is not only celebrating its 35th anniversary this year but also its official groundbreaking of a new pavilion in honor of former Audubon executive director, David Jay Henderson.
Audubon Summer Fun Nature Activities
“I see plants and hummingbirds.

I smell the freshness of the outdoors.

I hear all birds of different sizes.

I feel quiet and at peace.

I wonder if we’ll have this for years to come.”

A ten-year-old author wrote this poem while at one of Audubon New Mexico’s summer day camps at the Randall Davey Audubon Center & Sanctuary after experiencing the transformation that happens in nature, and the reflection, wonder, and increased awareness of self and other creatures.
Save the Gila River!
We need your help to Protect Critical Riparian Habitat along the Gila River! Up on a tight deadline, The New Mexico Central Arizona Project Entity (NM CAPE) has finally submitted its proposed diversion project. This massive water diversion proposal could spell doom for one of New Mexico’s last free-flowing rivers and one of America’s most precious bird and wildlife habitats. What’s at stake is one of the highest concentrations of breeding birds in North America. The Gila River is home to hundreds of bird species including priority birds like Bell’s Vireos, Southwestern Willow Flycatchers, and Western Yellow-billed Cuckoos. The Gila River and the birds need a voice – YOUR VOICE!
Colibrís, Picaflores (Spanish), Hummingbirds in New Mexico

It’s that time of year in New Mexico. Flashes of vibrant colors dart through our blue skies with the sounds of whirling carried from their wings fluttering an astonishing 60 times per second. Hummingbirds are truly remarkable and fascinating creatures. In North America, there are 26 different species of hummingbirds – colibris, and most of these can be found in the U.S. Southwest. New Mexico has 18 species and, of these, 7 species use our state for breeding (some in hard to reach areas) throughout the spring and summer – building nests and raising families, while other hummingbirds use our state as a vital refuel layover as they make their annual migration.

Is Homemade Compost better for growing healthier plants than plant food from a store?
In the far reaches of our state office’s small kitchen corner sits a box clearly marked, “COMPOST” in black-inked letters. Daily, Audubon New Mexico staffers fill the box up with any compostable food stuff: eggshells, coffee grounds, leftover salad remnants, and orange peels; sometimes someone will even spot a sparse half-eaten tortilla. Like a wizard, Scot fills up a bag and transports these ingredients to his home, 7 miles away, pedaling on his bicycle, to make a magical potion. Scot is a bicycle commuter, but that’s a story for another day. We often wonder what happens to all those pungent smelling items. Does Scot brew up a concoction to deliver a vitamin filled shot of garbage goodness to his garden? How does he work it into the soil? How long does he let it ferment?
Upcoming Events
There’s plenty to do around New Mexico. Audubon offers fun and educational events through the Randall Davey Audubon Center & Sanctuary:

  • Every Saturday at 8:30am – Free Guided Bird Walks
  • Every Friday at 2:00pm – Docent-led Tours of the Historic Randall Davey House and Art Studio, $5
  • Monday - Saturday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Enjoy hiking trails and gardens. Trails lead through several different habitats and plant zones ranging from meadows to Ponderosa Pine forests. Bring your binoculars and cameras and enjoy the views. 

The Audubon Chapters offer great field trips around the state. Click here for more information about these field trips.

Audubon New Mexico
PO Box 9314, Santa Fe, NM 87504 USA
(505) 983-4609 nm.audubon.org

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.
