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Pascagoula River Audubon Center
Moss Point, MS
Hummingbird Migration Festival
Even in the heat of the summer, PRAC is planning for fall!
Celebrate fall hummingbird migration at the Pascagoula River Audubon Center with fun for the entire family.  The three-day event begins with an over 21 Hummingbird Happy Hour on Thursday evening.  The 4-7 p.m. ticketed event includes light refreshments, wine and beer, a signature drink and entertainment from the Southeastern Avian Research team as they band hummingbirds and a presentation from Storyteller "Fox" Ellis.

Friday and Saturday the grounds will be filled with activity from vendors, exhibitors, guest speakers and more hummingbird banding and storytelling.  Throughout the three-day festival, "Fox" will present five different stories that focus on the life and activities of John James Audubon.  Kayaking is also available along Rhodes Bayou and the Pascagoula River.

We are still registering vendors and exhibitors.  Pass along this information to anyone who may be interested.

Stay tuned to our website and Facebook for updates.  Advance tickets will be available on our online sales site HERE.
Bird Tales
"Fox" Ellis is set to entertain at schools and festival
Thanks to funding from Ingalls Shipbuilding, Storyteller Brian “Fox” Ellis will spin his web of tales not only at Hummingbird Festival but also at a school near you.

Each day for a week prior to the festival, “Fox” will be visiting area schools to share stores in the persona of John James Audubon, naturalist and artist where he brings history, ecology, art and literature to life in this meticulously researched program that celebrates the life work of one of America’s greatest artist and naturalist!

To schedule a performance at your school, contact PRAC at prac@audubon.org or (228) 475-0825. For more information about the storyteller, click HERE!
Fall Plant Sale
Plan for springtime blooms with fall planting
To make sure your spring landscape pops with color to attract the birds, bees and butterflies, consider planting natives this fall.

The fall native plant sale at PRAC will take place concurrently with Hummingbird Festival. These plants are native to our geographical region and can withstand the temperature changes during the winter months.  Even in the coldest of winters, like we experienced in 2020, these plants survived and thrived.

A complete list of available plants and shrubs will be posted to our website. Below is the Latin name and common name of some of what will be available.
Asclepias verticillataWhirled Milkweed
Aster divaricatusWhite Wood Aster
Aster oblongifolius, Symphyotrichum oblongifoliumAromatic Aster
Echinacea purpureaPurple Coneflower
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'Beard Tonge
Asclepias incarnataSwamp Milkweed
Coreopsis lanceolataLanceleaf Tickseed
Coreopsis tinctoriaGolden Tickseed
Eryngium yuccifoliumRattlesnake Master
Iris virginicaBlue Flag Iris
Liatris pychnostachyaPrairie Blazing Star
Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline'Scarlet Beebalm
Mondarda fistulosaWild Bergamont
Muhlenbergia capillarisPink Muhly Grass
Acer rubrum drummondiiSwamp Red Maple
Aesculus paviaRed Buckeye
Amelanchier arboreaServiceberry
Asimina trilobaPawPaw
Cephalanthus occidentalisCommon Buttonbush
Cyrilla  racemifloraSwamp Titi
Nyssa sylvatica ver. BifloraSwamp Tupelo
Prunus serotinaBlack Cherry
Rhododendron austrinumFlorida Azalea
Rhododendron canescensPiedmont Azalea
Sabal minorDwarf Palmetto
Styrax americanusAmerican Snowbell
Tilia americana var. carolinianaCarolina Basswood
Vaccinium arboreumFarkleberry
Viburnum dentatumSouthern Arrow-Wood
Viburnum nudumPossumhaw Viburnum
Crataegus opacaMayhaw
Eupatorium hyssopifoliumHyssopleaf Thoroughwort
Lonicera sempervirensCoral Honeysuckle

Climate Awareness Network to host climate fair
Brush up on your climate knowledge and visit with other people and organizations who are working to “Green” the coast.

From 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 7, the Climate Awareness Network will provide informational sessions and activities for people of all ages at the Pascagoula River Audubon Center.  Admission is FREE.

For more information, give us a call at (228) 475-0825.
Photo Reception
Photography Exhibit to feature the BEST!
Out of more than 70 photo entries for the 2021 Nature Photography Contest at PRAC, the best 20, along with the top three from each age group, will be featured in a photography exhibit in the River Room.

Join us for a FREE reception to meet the photographers and view the beautiful images on Saturday, August 14, from 10 a.m. until noon.  The winner of the youth, teen and adult categories will be announced and will each take home a $50 cash card.  

The photo exhibit will remain on display through September.  The next River Room Exhibit will feature local hooking art.
My Ocean Odyssey continues its journey
The art of Loran Chavez will remain in the Moss Point Fine Art Gallery through the month of August.  Many pieces have sold, and the artist has replaced them with new art.

Check out her work on our website HERE!
New Volunteer is the Voice of PRAC
A call or visit to the Pascagoula River Audubon Center will give you the chance to meet Leslie Price, our newest volunteer and member of our flock!

With only two full-time employees, the out-of-the-blue call from Leslie looking for volunteer opportunities turned out to be a perfect match for PRAC.

Leslie was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but relocated to Pascagoula in 1972.  She is the wife of Don, an Electrical Supervisor for NTI. Together they have three awesome children. Seth is 29, lives in Pascagoula and works in Water Treatment. Joshua is 28, lives in Springfield MO and works in Retail. Cheryl Ann is 26, lives in Pascagoula and was just accepted to the Halter Apprenticeship program. She also has a furbaby named Huckleberry, a sweet and handsome Tuxedo. She also has two furry grandpups, Edith and Dakota and two furry grandkitties, Zelda and Midna. Along with being a wife and mother, she is also an ordained minister and wedding officiant. While looking for some outdoor adventure activities, she found the Pascagoula River Audubon Center online and saw the need for volunteers.

“I offered to visit the center to see if my time and skills could be useful,” she said. “I started volunteering at the center in mid June and have had a wonderful experience here. The Audubon is a beautiful place, full of nature and little critters. I have learned a lot about them while volunteering here. I have seen tons of different birds, turtles, raccoons, red foxes, alligators and so many other things. I get to work with great people that truly love the Audubon. I meet new people that are visiting the center everyday, and the Discovery Camps were a blast to see all the children having so much fun.”Her hobbies include genealogy, traveling, riding motorcycles and kayaking.
Summer Hours End; New Schedule Begins
With the 2021-22 school year beginning all along the Gulf Coast, PRAC will return to school-year hours.  The regular hours of operation are Wednesday-Friday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and select Saturdays each month.

The Saturday schedule for the fall include August 7 and 14, September 11 and 25, October 30, November 27 and December 4.  Many weekends have already been booked with weddings, receptions, reunions and retreats. Changes to the schedule will be posted on Facebook and our web site.

And it isn’t too late to join our flock for FY22.  Choose your level of membership through our online link HERE. Members receive a 10 percent discount on retail items in the gift shop and discount on programs.
Pascagoula River Audubon Center
5107 Arthur St., Moss Point, MS 39563
(228) 475-0825 | pascagoula.audubon.org

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.
