April/Spring 2024
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Grange Insurance Audubon Center
April/Spring 2024
April 2024 Grange Insurance Audubon Center Image
Engaging Communities in Nature

Why is This Important?

The Grange Insurance Audubon Center provides a unique opportunity to ensure National Audubon Society’s work touches down in Columbus, Ohio. The Center strives to build collective action for birds and their habitats by connecting and engaging Columbus communities to and in our work. Our goal is to build a base of volunteers, advocates, supporters, and future leaders who will create impact to protect our changing world. 

How Do We Accomplish This?

Our Center’s outreach and engagement programming is developed and created to MOVE people towards conservation action.

Here’s What we are doing: 

  • Working with the Child Development Council of Franklin County to host a Head Start “Science Night” bringing over 200 families and their preschoolers to the Center in January.
  • Working with Columbus City Schools Early Childhood Education Dept. to host their family night in March bringing over 150 families to the Center.
  • Working with two Columbus and Franklin County Parks and Recreation Centers to offer nature inspired after school and Friday Night Family programming.
  • Inspiring conservation action through the arts by offering a variety of art exhibitions including “Artificial Modernity” which critiques human impact on birds, while highlighting the resilience and beauty of nature to adapt to change and modernization. 
  • Conservation Classroom continues as an immersive, year-long partnership between Columbus City Schools and the Grange Insurance Audubon Center supported in part by the Columbus Foundation. Partner classrooms visit GIAC three times throughout the school year for nature-based, STEAM infused exploratory learning. All content is standard aligned and meets state science curriculum requirements. Students are engaged in a variety of hands-on activities including birdwatching, invasive species removal, winter sowing, and native tree planting. The Conservation Classroom partnership not only expands students’ academic understanding of the environment but deepens their own personal connection with nature as well. During the 2023-24 school year, we have partnered with 17 Columbus City Schools classrooms engaging 360 students ranging from 3rd-6th grade. This spring, the students are planting Eastern Redbud saplings to reforest the land off the Scioto Greenway trail. By May, they will have planted over 75 trees!
  • Now in its fourth year, the Native Plant Backyard Challenge will kick-off April 7 with almost 200 new participants joining the 500 participants who have already taken the challenge to transform their existing outdoor spaces into native habitats.
  • Our Motus Tower is now operable and plans are in the works to begin bird banding at the Center to track and  collect  migratory bird data soon.
  • Community science workshops (Milk Jug Winter Sowing,  and Bird Language) were offered in February and March with naturalist Jared Goodyknootz. 
  • Center staff is now participating weekly in Lights Out Columbus by collecting injured and deceased birds from the grounds of downtown Columbus during peak spring and fall migration months. Live birds are transported to the Ohio Wildlife Center for care and treatment through their rehabilitation program. All deceased birds are processed by the OSU Museum of Biological Diversity and used for research purposes. 
  • Working with the National Science Foundation to create and execute STEM guided nature experiences to audiences aged 18-25.
  • Encouraging audiences less likely to engage in nature to participate in unique programs and installations at the Scioto Audubon Metro Park like the Homing Audio Movement Journey created by two performing artists and recently introduced at the Scioto Audubon Metro Park through a partnership with Grange Insurance Audubon Center and support by Ohio Arts Council and the Greater Columbus Art Council.
  • Continuing to work with local organizations like Seeds of Caring to host large community events like the “Kids as Planet Protectors” Earth Day Celebration on April 20 which has expanded to include over 25 partner organization’s offering activities and stations inside and outside of the Grange Insurance Audubon Center. Expected attendance is over 500 youth and their families.
We look forward to engaging with you soon!
 Click here to explore and register for an upcoming workshop, activity, program or event!
Earth Day 2024 image
Earth Day 2024

Kids as Planet Protectors
An Earth Day Celebration is BACK!
April 20, 10am-2pm

In partnership with Grange Insurance Audubon Center and Presenting Sponsor Amazon Web Services, Seeds of Caring’s Kids as Planet Protectors: A FREE Earth Day Celebration will take place on Saturday, April 20, 10am - 2pm at Grange Insurance Audubon Center. Families and groups are invited to participate in multiple projects to help kids ages 2-12 take action in protecting our environment and investing in our planet’s future. Over 20 Community partners will be on site to educate kids on environmental stewardship actions. Join us!
Birds, Brews, and Burgers Event Image
Birds, Brews, and Burgers, A Fundraising Event!

A Fundraising Event
May 3, 5:30p-7:30p

Join us for a COSI Science Festival event hosted by the Grange Insurance Audubon Center. Take a bird walk throughout the Scioto Audubon Metro Park with our educators and learn how to use the Merlin Bird ID App to explore the world of birding! After the bird hike, participate in a beer tasting experience sampling 5 Nocterra Brewing Company Beers and Hard Ciders while enjoying sliders. Bird trivia and games will also be featured. Participants must be 21+ years old.
Adventure Camp image
Audubon Adventure Summer Camp Registration is OPEN!
Art at Audubon
Homing Audio Movement Journey Image
Introducing "Homing" An Audio Movement Journey at Scioto Audubon Metro Park

A New Way to Explore the Park!
By Katherine G. Moore & Kathryn Nusa Logan

Visit the Grange Insurance Audubon Center for more information, maps and optional MP3 players available for use (we will hold drivers License while using) to experience the audio journey. 

Or use your own phone and headphones, visit all five locations in the park, scan the QR code on the signs, listen, move and enjoy! Register here to experience the journey with live performers during the community gathering and performance event on May 17, 5:30p-7:30p
Katie Golonka Image
Artist in Residence

Welcome Katie Golonka
Artist in Residence
Now Through April 28

Katie Golonka is a muralist, fabricator and nature lover living in Franklinton. Her style and media vary depending on the project, but she is always interested in learning and combining new techniques and materials. More on Katie

Visit Katie’s studio and see WHAT’S BLOOMING!  Paper wild flowers are popping up everywhere and THEY ARE FOR SALE!

March 7-April 28 Exhibition Images
Two Exhibitions Now On Display Through April 28

Turbulent Journeys
by Camille Martin

Featuring 10 Oil and Acrylic Works.
“I approach my work by linking what it may feel like to process emotion or sentiment to a physical scenario. My paintings depict the human experience, with both natural and surreal elements and symbolism; influenced by inner monologues and self-awareness. Turbulent Journeys is a collection of these works, with the goal of representing the journey of life and for the viewer to reflect on theirs.”
Camille Martin

Nature Through Lens, Brush & Pen
by the Ohio Young Birders Club

Featuring 18 Works by 6 Youth Artists
Mediums featured in this exhibit include photography, mixed media, colored pencil, watercolor and foil/cardstock. Participating artists include: Alexander Baumann, Sam Cox, Mason Cunningham, Marcella Grottoli, Emily Nishikawa, and Joel Stiver.
 About these exhibitions
Convergence: Art & Ecology Exhibit Image
Exhibition Coming Soon

Convergence: Art and Ecology
A Worthington Area Art League Exhibition
May 9-July 7

Exhibition Opening Reception: Thursday, May 16, 6p-7:30p

Inspired by area ecological projects, the Worthington Area Art League presents a collection of artwork that responds to the changes being brought to our environment.  Member artists were asked to select a Central Ohio ecological organization, project, or initiative and create a unique work of art in response. The pieces presented provide a visual survey of the many environmentally sustaining projects being made right here in Central Ohio. Topics range from celebrating Metro Parks to conservation efforts being made toward birds and bees, and a poignant look at green burial. With this exhibit, the Worthington Area Art League hopes to reinforce the value of these initiatives while fostering conversations about how best to support our environment.
CA April Monthly Program
Columbus Audubon April Monthly Program
Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative: Development of a comprehensive bird conservation plan for the state of Ohio

This final monthly program (until fall 2024)in partnership and held at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center will include our annual meeting and awards ceremony. Distinguished guest speaker is Matt Shumar.  Arrive at 6:00pm to participate in our annual meeting, view the awards ceremony, partake in the bird quiz, draw a door prize ticket, and enjoy refreshments. We will begin the April Monthly Program at 7:00pm with a Conservation Spotlight by Jacob Morgan, who will be providing an update on evaluating land use and movement ecology of overwintering sparrows to direct conservation initiatives. The Featured Presentation will begin immediately following the Conservation Spotlight. Winners for the door prize and bird quiz will be announced after the presentations.
 Register Here
Song Sparrow photo by Mick Thompson
Columbus Audubon Logo
Columbus Audubon Upcoming Events
April 23rd 6:00 - 8:00pm Annual Meeting, Awards Ceremony and Monthly Program Register HERE

May 1st - 31st Birdathon Register HERE

May 3rd 8:30am - 10:30am
Field Trip: Whetstone Park
contact Lynn at lmarie5436@gmail.com

June 8th 10:00am - 2:00pm Calamus Swamp Spring Work Days, Pulling any remaining Garlic Mustard, and cutting/treating Honeysuckle
Register HERE:

(fill out a contact form and be sure to select Conservation as the topic area)

 Click Here for more Information on Columbus Audubon Upcoming Events
Juneteenth 2024 Image
Juneteenth & Father's Day Celebration with Guest Speaker and Columbus, Ohio Native Dudley Edmondson

Sunday June 16, 2p-5p

As a Photographer, Author, Filmmaker and Presenter for over 30 years, Dudley Edmondson’s career has offered him the opportunity to capture the beauty of nature and our world through his lens. His photographic work and adventure travels have taken him to so many amazing places from the Arctic Circle of Alaska to the Bahamas.

Dudley is a native to Columbus, Ohio and resided in the area from 1962 to 1989. As a young man, growing up in the neighborhood between Whittier and Livingston Avenues, Dudley began to discover the power of nature and its ability to heal both the mind and body. A considerable amount of his time was spent birding in the woods where the Grange Audubon Center is now located.

Dudley has collaborated with numerous communities across the county to help urban youth, and youth of color, experience nature and the beauty of the outdoors.


Please support our mission to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and Earth’s biological diversity.

Our ability to continue offering FREE programming, activities and events depends on you.  

Interested in becoming a local Audubon member?  CLICK HERE
Tuesday-Saturday: 10a-4:30p*
Sunday: 12p-4:30p
Monday: CLOSED*

Tuesday-Friday: 10a-5p
Saturday: 10a-3p* 
Sunday:  1p-6:30p
Monday: CLOSED*

*On weekends the center may close at 3p to accommodate facility rentals, please call ahead to ensure we will still be open from 3p-5p. Check website for special Monday Holiday hours when Center is OPEN.
Grange Insurance Audubon Center
505 W. Whittier Street, Columbus, OH 43215 USA
614-545-5475 | grange.audubon.org

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.
