Beidler Forest honors International Underground Railroad Month.
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Audubon Center at Beidler Forest
Beidler Forest Center & Sanctuary Newsletter August | 2022
Large Cypress Tree stands tall against a flowing dark water
Beidler Forest honors International Underground Railroad Month
Dear {{FirstName or 'Friend'}},

Across the country and world, September has been established as International Underground Railroad Month. Beidler Forest Audubon Center & Sanctuary will recognize the designation of Four Holes Swamp as a site on the Underground Railroad by offering special programming on our free “Second Saturday” on September 10th. Please join us in honoring the freedom seekers that sought refuge in the swamp and learn more about the important cultural history by visiting our 1.75-mile, ADA-accessible boardwalk during the month of September. This event, including programs, is free, but we do ask that you register in advance here.  

Also, keep an eye on the National Park Service’s and Audubon’s Facebook and Instagram accounts on September 8th for special Beidler Forest posts on the Underground Railroad – Network to Freedom. 

 Plan your visit to Beidler
Beidler Forest. Photo: Mac Stone
A man with a blue shirt, glasses, and smile, holds a bright rainbow colored bird in his right hand.
Internship Reflection by Aubrey Anthony
Stepping into this opportunity with little prior experience in the field of ornithology, I was admittedly anxious. Having even less experience with waking up at 4:30 in the morning in order to be standing in the middle of the moonlit woods by 5:30am, I was (understandably) even more nervous! But it only took one bird (a Northern Parula, specifically) for me to realize I wouldn’t rather be spending my summer any other way.
Aubrey Anthony. Photo: Jen Tyrrell
A child and adult sit at a picnic table looking at a large dish of water. There are cups on the table.
"Bug Pick'n," Morning Birding & Night Explorations
Have you ever wondered what life lingers in the water of Four Holes? If so, come to one of our water invertebrate programs – “Bug Pick’n.” Learn more about our special programming at Beidler, including beginner birding programs and night explorations on the boardwalk. 
"Bug Pick'n" program. Photo: David Ramage
A close up of a spotted yellow spider
Species Spotlight: Golden-silk Orb Weaver
Golden-Silk Orb Weavers (Trichonephila clavipes), also known as Banana Spiders, are a sign of summer in the coastal southeast, their expansive metallic gold webs blocking off pathways entirely. Take a moment to inspect such a web next time you see one, you’ll notice there’s a lot going on all around it. 
Golden-silk Orb Weaver. Photo: Richard Covey III
A large woodpecker with a red crest and large beak shows his profile against a dark tree trunk
Species Spotlight: Pileated Woodpecker
If you have ever heard a low, rapid drumming while walking through the swamp, you may have heard a Pileated Woodpecker defending his territory or courting a mate. Roughly the size of a crow, these large woodpeckers can be found in forest habitats along the East Coast of the United States and throughout Canada, preferring large pieces of dead wood. 
Pileated Woodpecker. Photo: Matt Williams
A woman with a red flannel shirt and blue jeans is looking through binoculars on a wooden boardwalk surrounded by trees.
We're looking for volunteers!
Do you have some time you can share with us at Beidler? We are currently looking for help with trail maintenance and front desk support. Join our friendly team of hard-working volunteers to help us keep every visit to Beidler special for the thousands of guests we see each year. Orientation for new volunteers will begin October. 

One of our volunteers birding at Beidler. Photo: David Ramage
Donate to Beidler
Audubon Center at Beidler Forest
336 Sanctuary Rd, Harleyville, SC 29448
843-487-9988 |

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.
