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Audubon Florida
A flock of seabirds in flight
Audubon Florida Climate and Energy News Roundup
Today we share news about birds and offshore wind, the consequences of rising seas, a new climate report graphic from the UN, and more.
Black Skimmers. Photo: Jean Hall
What Offshore Wind Energy Can Teach Us About Seabirds
From the National Audubon Society

“Seabirds spend much of their lives far offshore in the vast ocean, making them hard to study. This gap in knowledge might be starting to change, however, now that we need to understand how offshore wind energy could impact birds before and after construction. Audubon has long advocated for responsibly sited renewable energy, and fortunately data from land-based wind farms tell us that wind turbines can be properly sited and operated in ways that avoid, minimize, and mitigate bird impacts. Now, to meet the nation’s immense needs for energy capacity and infrastructure, attention is shifting from land to the ocean as a go-to place to generate this renewable power source.”
The One UN Climate Report Graphic You Need to See
From Axios

“A new graphic released Monday from the UN climate panel conveys the most important scientific findings about climate change — and breaks new ground. Why it matters: From the depths of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments comes a unique global warming data visualization. It illustrates how future warming depends on various emissions scenarios, and shows how climate change already affects — and is poised to alter — the lives of generations born in 1950, 1980, and 2020. It underscores the responsibility people currently have to alter course on greenhouse gas emissions in the decades and centuries ahead.”
Report: Surging Population and Rising Seas Could Lead to More of Florida Being Paved Over
From USF News

“As Florida’s population swells to more than 26 million people and more land is lost to rising seas, about 1 million more undeveloped acres could be paved over in less than two decades, according to a new study released Wednesday by the University of Florida and 1000 Friends of Florida. Potentially hardest hit: large, intact rural lands that offer the best hope for saving wild Florida… Lands that help protect water supplies or play a bigger part in wildlife habitat should also be given more priority, she said. Even as it controls sprawl, Young said the state can still accommodate its growing population if it pivots to more dense development. More importantly, she said, local communities need to be more diligent in controlling growth.”
Sea Levels Are Rising — and It's Going to Get Worse. Here's How Some Communities are Adapting
From the New York Post

“Our sea levels will remain elevated for thousands of years. Scientists around the world agreed on that in last week's U.N. report about climate change, which found it is ‘unavoidable for centuries to millennia due to continuing deep ocean warming and ice sheet melt, and sea levels will remain elevated for thousands of years.’ One of the problems with sea level rise is that it happens slowly, a tiny bit each year, making it a threat that people have an easy time ignoring. We do that at our own peril, according to Mark Merrifield, director of the Scripps Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation.”
Audubon Florida
4500 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 350, Miami, FL 33137
(305) 371-6399 | fl.audubon.org

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