Plus, identifying those confusing fall warblers!
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True or False: Eastern populations of Broad-winged Hawks fly around the Gulf of Mexico while migrating, instead of across it.

A) TrueBroad-winged Hawks go around the Gulf
B) FalseBroad-winged Hawks fly across the Gulf
Audubon New York
october 2023 | NEWS FROM THE NEST
A Broad-winged Hawk perches on a wire.
Bird of the Month: Broad-winged Hawk
Fall has only just begun, but already more than 25,000 Broad-winged Hawks have flown over a Hawkwatch site in Bedford, NY! These make up only a fraction of the tens of thousands of birds of prey of all sorts that migrate across the northeast each fall in huge flocks, also known as “kettles.”

This incredible journey begins in September and October, and ends once they reach South America, where they spend the winter. Follow their full migration path using the Bird Migration Explorer, now accessible on mobile devices!
Broad-winged Hawk.
A Black Tern in flight, both wings lifted up and forward.
Black Terns, the "Bald Eagle Success Story" of Central NY
This summer, 96 nesting Black Terns were counted across the Montezuma Wetlands Complex, an exciting number that, for the first time ever, includes birds spotted at the Montezuma Audubon Center! Read more about the conservation work that made this possible.
Black Tern.
A Black-throated Green Warbler perches on a leafy twig.
Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center Added to New York State Birding Trail
The Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center is one of 12 new locations added to the New York State Birding Trail this September. These newest additions bring the total number of sites across the state to a whopping 344! Read more.
Black-throated Green Warbler.
A Black-and-white Warbler perches on a window ledge, reflected in the window it leans against slightly.
What's the Deal With Birds Hitting My Windows?
Window collisions are one of the many threats birds face on migration, but there’s plenty we can do to help. Learn more about how you can prevent window collisions at your home, and elsewhere.

Witnessed a window collision? Here’s what you can do to help the injured bird.
Black-and-white Warbler.
Silhouettes of a flock of flying Purple Martins against a night sky. The full moon glows brightly in the background.
Welcome to the Dark Side: Your Guide to Nocturnal Migration Birding
Each night, the fall skies come alive with tens of thousands of birds as they migrate overhead, sometimes in groups so large they show up on weather radars! Learn how you can continue migration birding even after the sun sets with only a cellphone. Read more.
Purple Martins.
A Great Horned Owl swoops towards the viewer on outstretched wings.
Have a Hoot at our Centers and Sanctuaries
Autumn is a beautiful time at our centers and sanctuaries, located across the state of New York. Enjoy the beauty of nature and see what fall migration has to offer on bird walks, picnics, and more this season!
Visit and Get Involved 
The Constitution Marsh Audubon Center and Sanctuary is a unique and beautiful tidal marsh in Cold Spring. Learn more about visiting our trails.

The Montezuma Audubon Center’s Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps works to conserve the Important Bird Area of Onondaga Lake. Join them on Saturday, 10/14 to plant native wildflowers and shrubs along the shoreline! Register today.

The Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center is a 14-acre bird sanctuary in Oyster Bay, NY. Celebrate fall and support the Sanctuary at our Birds and Baskets Fall Picnic, now on Saturday, 10/8! Register today.
Great Horned Owl.
A mysterious warbler perched in a bush, showing only its butt.
Your Questions, Answered! Confusing Fall Warblers
Q: Fall warbler ID help please! Spotted this morning in Westchester County, NY. (View more photos of our mystery bird here!)

A: This warbler’s generally green color, white undertail feathers, and dark eyeline provide all the clues we need to determine this is a Tennessee Warbler! Learn more about identifying this and 5 other species of warbler.

Got bird questions? We have answers! Send your questions in by replying to this email, and we’ll pick one to answer in our next issue of News from the Nest!
Tennesee Warbler.
From top: Feroze Omardeen/Flickr CC BY 2.0; Diana Whiting/Audubon Photography Awards; Matthew Pimm/Audubon Photography Awards; Laura Erickson; Keith Kingdon/Audubon Photography Awards; James Gray/Audubon Photography Awards; Kristina Deckert
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A state program of the National Audubon Society, Audubon New York protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow.
Audubon New York
9 Thurlow Terrace, Suite 100, Albany, NY 12203
518-869-9731 |

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.
