Urge your South Carolina Senators to support S. 383 designating the Prothonotary Warbler as our State Migratory Bird!
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Audubon Center at Beidler Forest
Action Alert: State Migratory Bird
Urge your South Carolina lawmakers to support designating the Prothonotary Warbler as our State Migratory Bird!
Prothonotary Warbler. Photo: Mark Gallerani
As we anxiously await the arrival of Prothonotary Warblers back to Beidler Forest, we have some exciting news from the South Carolina General Assembly related to this "swamp canary". Audubon South Carolina has been working with our lawmakers this year to propose legislation that would designate the Prothonotary Warbler as South Carolina's official State Migratory Bird! 

Just recently, Senators Davis and Goldfinch filed S. 383 proposing this designation. We are grateful to these Senators for their leadership on this legislation, and we urge you to contact your Senators (and Representatives) to voice your support.

Tell your elected officials to support this legislation!

We can't think of a better species to highlight the amazing journeys that migratory birds make each year, many traveling thousands of miles from breeding to wintering grounds. This bill helps raise awareness for the threats that these species face on these long journeys, as well as highlights the importance of South Carolina in providing breeding, stopover, and wintering habitat for dozens of migratory birds.

About the Prothonotary Warbler:

  • Often nicknamed the “swamp canary” because of their bright yellow color, the Prothonotary (Pro-thon-ō-tar-y) Warbler nests in forested wetlands across the eastern United States. In South Carolina, this species can be found from the upstate to the coast, nesting in swamps, along river corridors, and around the edges of lakes and ponds. 
  • Prothonotary Warblers like to nest low in the forest, within a few feet of the ground. They are the only warbler in the eastern United States to nest in cavities, preferring holes in cypress knees, hollow branches, and even artificial birdhouses.
  • Prothonotary Warblers spend their winters in Central and South America, returning to South Carolina in late-March to start nesting. Research conducted by Audubon South Carolina at the Audubon Center & Sanctuary at Francis Beidler Forest has shown that birds nesting in South Carolina complete a 5,000-mile roundtrip migration to Colombia, South America, often returning to the same exact nesting location from one year to the next.
As we approach his migratory season, we hope you’ll voice your support for birds like the Prothonotary Warbler. And don’t forget to book your trip to visit Beidler Forest in the coming months to see these “swamp canaries” in person!
Take Action for Birds
Prothonotary Warbler. Photo: Mark Gallerani
Audubon Center at Beidler Forest
336 Sanctuary Rd, Harleyville, SC 29448
843-487-9988 | beidler.audubon.org

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.
