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Audubon Arizona
November 2020
A Pinyon Jay perches on an upright stick during a snow flurry, puffed up and looking straight at the camera.
A Message from Jon Hayes, Audubon Southwest's Executive Director
In this part of the world, we are “through the looking glass” of climate change. The effects are no longer projections but rather part of everyday life. We taste the smoke when we go outside in the morning, we see the sandy channel where once a river flowed, and we feel the heat of the summer sun persist into autumn. None of our senses are spared from these changes.

Beyond birds, the changing climate will have a crippling effect on us as a people—particularly BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) who are historically the most vulnerable to environmental racism and environmental hazards. The increasing warming of our globe will only make this worse.

But today I am hopeful… continue reading to learn why.


Then, join me tomorrow as I discuss the recent avian mortality event in New Mexico with the Pajarito Environmental Education Center and the Los Alamos Creative District.
Pinyon Jay. Robert Groos/Audubon Photography Awards
A soft and cute looking Flammulated Owl looks up at you in a greed bed of reeds or long grass.
News at Audubon and Beyond
Flammulated Owl. Dave Menke/US Fish and Wildlife Service
At the Precipice
Tuesday, November 10 | 6–7 p.m.
In New Mexico and the larger Southwest, climate change has been silently wreaking havoc: average temperatures increasing at double the global average, super fires devastating mountains, and sections of rivers drying up.

Join us for a conversation about climate change with Audubon Southwest’s Jon Hayes, and Laura Paskus, environmental journalist and author of At the Precipice: New Mexico's Changing Climate. Register for the webinar here.
An Aplomado Falcon perches on the wooden post of a barbed wire fence.
Aplomado Falcon.
Advocacy for Conservation: Tips, Tools, and Priorities
Wednesday, November 18 | 12–1:15 pm
This is a bilingual training, presented in English with Spanish interpretation available. 

What are some effective ways to advocate for birds, wildlife, and the conservation of our natural resources, even during a pandemic?

Join us for a webinar that is part advocacy training and part election update. Hear from legislators, Audubon, Arizona Wildlife Federation, HECHO, and Trout Unlimited about our top policy priorities for 2021 and ways you can advocate. Register for the training here.
Dr. Francisco Zamora of Sonoran Institute stands smiling at the camera in front of a wintery looking river.
Colorado River Delta Restoration in Mexico
Thursday, November 19 | 5:30–6:30pm
This is a bilingual webinar, presented in English with Spanish interpretation available. 

The Colorado River is now just a dammed and diverted remnant of its former self, but communities and organizations on both sides of the US-Mexico border are working to restore and protect it.

Join us and Dr. Francisco Zamora Arroyo of Sonoran Institute to learn about the communities in Mexico that are restoring the Colorado River Delta, and what habitat conservation looks like south of the border. Register for the webinar here.
Dr. Francisco Zamora of Sonoran Institute.
An Osprey takes off after hitting the surface of a body of water, droplets spraying in its wake.
Promoción de la Conservación: Consejos, Herramientas y Prioridades
Miércoles, 18 de noviembre | 12–1:15pm
Este es un capacitación bilingüe (ingles-español).

¿Cuáles son algunas formas efectivas de abogar por las aves, la fauna silvestre y la conservación de nuestros recursos naturales, incluso durante una pandemia? 

Acompáñenos para un seminario web que es en parte capacitación en defensa y en parte actualización electoral. Escuche directamente a los legisladors, Audubon, Arizona Wildlife Federation, HECHO, y Trout Unlimited, y conozca las principales prioridades de política para el año 2021 y formas en que puede participar en el proceso legislativo. Regístrate para este seminario web.
Osprey / Águila Pescadora. Joane Wuori/Audubon Photography Awards/Premios de Fotografía
Dr. Francisco Zamora of Sonoran Institute stands smiling at the camera in front of a wintery looking river.
Restauracion del Río Colorado en México
Jueves, 15 de noviembre | 5:30–6:30pm
Este es un evento bilingüe (ingles-español).

El río Colorado es solo un remanente represado y desviado de su antiguo yo ... pero las comunidades y organizaciones en ambos lados de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México están trabajando para restaurarlo y protegerlo.

Acompáñenos y al Dr. Francisco Zamora Arroyo del Sonoran Institute para aprender sobre las comunidades en México que están restaurando del Delta del Río Colorado, y cómo se ve la conservación actualmente, al sur de la frontera. Regístrate para este seminario web.
Dr. Francisco Zamora de Sonoran Institute.
Audubon Virtual Events
Nov 2Virtual Nature On Tap: The Recent Avian Mortality Event in New Mexico

Nov. 10At the Precipice: New Mexico's Changing Climate

Nov. 18: Advocacy for Conservation: Tips, Tools, and Priorities / Promoción de la Conservación: Consejos, Herramientas y Prioridades

Nov. 19Colorado River Delta Restoration in Mexico /  Restauracion del Río Colorado en México

Dec. 17The San Juan River Speaks: Diné Concerns Following the Gold King Mine Spill

Missed our last webinar?

Oasis or Mirage: The Salton Sea / Oasis o Espejismo: La Laguna Salton Sea
Partner and Chapter Virtual Events
Nov. 3 | Maricopa Audubon Society: Birds of Bolivia

Nov. 6 | Southwestern New Mexico Audubon Society: Thor’s Homecoming: Raptor Rehabilitation

Nov. 10 | Desert Rivers Audubon Society: Taking the Pulse of Bird Migration in North America

Nov. 11 | Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society: Dances with Cranes

Nov. 12 | Central New Mexico Audubon Society: Sandhill Crane Research Update

Ongoing | Tucson Audubon Society: Virtual Social Events and Classes

View our list of chapters here: Arizona | New Mexico
Thank you to our supporters
We deeply appreciate the financial support we receive from the community, especially during these difficult times. 

Our thanks to Applied Materials Foundation for providing funding for community engagement and awareness around preserving the native environment to enhance bird habitats and encourage environmental stewardship.

Our gratitude to SRP for their generous support for the Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center, an urban nature center and hub for community science, advocacy, education and on-the-ground conservation where people discover and engage the conservation issues that impact them.
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View October’s newsletter
Audubon Southwest newsletter editors: Morgan Moore and Stella Reed
Audubon Arizona
3131 S. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85040 USA
(602) 468-6470 | az.audubon.org

© 2025 National Audubon Society, Inc.
