Dear Friend,
After serving nearly four years, it is bittersweet for us to share that our executive director, Sonia Perillo, will be leaving Audubon in mid-November. Under Sonia’s leadership, our Arizona team has greatly expanded our role in public policy on behalf of birds, particularly around Western Water management and riparian habitat conservation. She has expanded our conservation programs and partnerships to have greater impact for birds and people across the state, and has deepened our relationships with partners and neighbors near the nature center in South Phoenix. We are going to miss her leadership and commitment!
Sonia will still be with us at Enchanted Trail this weekend, as well as the “We Are Still Here” public art event on November 16, so we hope you’ll visit and wish her well in her new adventures! She also assures us she will not be a stranger, and will remain an Audubon advocate and friend.
Our advisory board and Audubon colleagues are already working on the transition and interim leadership process, and we will keep you updated in the weeks ahead. Meanwhile, one thing that will not change – our team will continue working to move our conservation initiatives forward!
Thank you, Sonia! |